Perry's Cheese Blog — cheese new

Discover the Story and Flavour of Edmund Tew: A Cheese with a Rich Heritage

Perry Wakeman cheese new

Discover the Story and Flavour of Edmund Tew: A Cheese with a Rich Heritage

Every cheese tells a story, and undoubtedly, every cheese needs a name. Take Baron Bigod, for instance. It’s a powerful, regal name that traces back many moons to the 12th century Earl of Norfolk, who owned the land where Fen Farm Dairy now stands. Skipping forward a few centuries to the 19th century, we hear of the cheese, Edmund Tew. Now, it’s not quite the Earl that Baron Bigod was named after, but providing an equally legendary story and, ultimately, the name to the latest addition to Rennet & Rind’s lineup of British cheese. Now, let me tell you about...

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Alpen Cheddar: When Devonshire and German Cheesemakers Collide

Perry Wakeman cheese new

What do you get when you put Devonshire and German cheesemakers together? Sounds like the beginnings of a terrible joke, right? Actually, the answer is AlpenCheddar. Currently the most sought after cheese in the UK. Stocks are running low and there won’t be more for quite some time. 

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